

Thursday, April 16, 2020

What Would I Do?

©2020 Steve King
All Rights Reserved

What would I do if favored wishes
Came like the rains to cover me?

What would I do?

Would I content to empty my soul
of blazened dreams, untested hopes?

Every desire within my grasp,
Real to my eyes, each waiting sense.

Spent to time and easy use,   
Mine no more.

What would I do?

A little something for Joy’s 55


  1. Ah, it's been said that everyone needs three things: something do do, someone to love, and something to hope for. Don't underestimate that last one.

  2. One of those questions that come out of a long vigil in life--and you map its dangerous route clearly. It seems possible that getting all one's desires may only leave us scrambling for some new one to enshrine. Or would it bring a searing resolution? What would one do? An excellent, thoughtful 55, as always Steve, and many thanks for playing. May your weekend kick as much ass as is possible.

  3. Great questions that I suppose none of us could ever know the answer to. Life leads us through with only so many answers and desire for something more as it's coaxing. Love your 55 Steve!

  4. What would you do? What would I do? I know it probably wouldn't be a good thing, but wouldn't you kinda like to find out for sure?
